Should You Do A Cleanse?
Many people consider a cleanse the fastest and easiest way to fit into their favorite clothes after months or even years of dietary missteps. That’s fine, but make sure you do it right.
When people ask me if I think that they should do a colon cleanse or some other type of cleanse, I always tell them the same thing: I would not do it IF I was not willing to improve my diet and lifestyle after the cleanse was complete.
It defeats the purpose.
Without an improvement in your diet and lifestyle at the end of the process, all you’re going to do is strip away the bad, which is a good thing, but then go right back to pouring in more junk. You’re no further ahead than when you started.
Not to mention, you’re going to have to go through those same detox symptoms all over again the next time you decide to “cleanse”.
In fact, some health professionals say that a cleanse without an intentional improvement in diet and lifestyle on the other side puts one even further behind.
Once you strip away the junk, your body is in pristine condition, meaning that it can now absorb nutrients (and junk) better than ever.
If, after your cleanse, you go right back to pouring bad food into a freshly cleaned body, it’s going to be absorbed into your bloodstream even more efficiently than before, dragging you down even further (and faster).
It’s a lot like the principles the Messiah taught about following him: don’t bother if you’re not willing to change your ways.
Have you ever noticed His actions on this manner? He NEVER apologized for demanding repentance (i.e. changing one’s ways). Think about any and every story in the Bible where He was teaching and preaching — not ONCE did He chase after someone who wasn’t willing to live by His example.
If someone wasn’t willing to do what was necessary (like the rich young ruler - Luke 18:18-25), He essentially said, “That’s OK. Knock yourself out… see ya!” Why?
Because half-way NEVER cuts it — in terms of faith or good health.
If you’re a new creation, you’re a new creation, period. Not a new creation with a new supply of old habits that you have to purge all over again. That’s not the idea of accepting Messiah and walking in His ways. And it’s not the idea of a physical cleanse, either.
I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” AVAILABLE HERE